A good first impression is everything

Building relationships with partners is important. But the onboarding process can seem like it takes forever. We made partner onboarding a breeze - getting them started is fast and easy.

Partner onboarding is no longer a siloed process. Journeybee enables you to save time and spend it on what really matters - your partners.

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Centralised Partner Information

Eliminate scattered data! Store all partner details, brand assets, and marketing collateral in one secure location. This makes it easy for both sales and marketing to access the information they need to support new partners effectively.

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Onboarding Workflows

Sales can set up partners with the right access and resources, while marketing can guide them through brand messaging and co-marketing initiatives. Streamlined workflows empowers both teams to engage partners effectively.

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Real-Time Progress Tracking

See exactly where each partner is in the onboarding process. This allows sales to follow up strategically and marketing to tailor their outreach based on partner readiness. Clear visibility leads to better communication and faster partner activation.

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Automated Tasks and Approvals 

Free up valuable time for your sales and marketing teams to focus on building strong partner relationships and driving revenue.