Your Data, Your Rules


Your data is safe with Journeybee. We never share Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and are built to comply with strict privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA.

Decide what gets shared. You choose the partners, accounts, and information you want to connect. It's that easy.

Terms of Sevice
Privacy Policy

Platform and Network Security

Journeybee’s security standards and practices are backed by a multi-layered approach  for protecting customer data while maintaining confidentiality, integrity, and availability. We also strive to provide best in class security, reliability and capacity to every Journeybee customer.

Scalability and Reliability

Journeybee’s network infrastructure relies on secure cloud service platforms with the flexible capacity to ensure reliability and scalability for all customers.

What does GDPR compliant mean?

Your data is protected. We follow strict privacy regulations like GDPR (Europe) to keep your information safe. This means you have more control over your data.

Want to learn more? Read through our Data Processing Addendum (DPA) that explains everything you need to know in detail.

Do I control what I share with my partners?

Journeybee gives you complete control over what data you share with partners and your company such as; ensuring your partners only see what you've chosen them to see; different levels of user permissions for your organisation and only map chosen fields via integrations to keep private information inside of your CRM.