Revenue Share & Commissions

Managing global partner commissions is a complex equation with messy variables. Different currencies, complex commission structures, and slow payout times—it's enough to make your head spin. Journeybee is your fix.

To help your business grow, we made paying partners a breeze. 


Simple Global Payments

Pay partners anywhere in the world, instantly, with secure and reliable international transfers. No more worrying about currency fluctuations or lengthy delays.


Automated Payout Rules

Set up unique commission structures for different partner types - no more manual calculations and fragmented data 


One Platform

Manage all partner payments, invoices, and tax forms within a single, user-friendly platform. Inbound and outbound!


Single Source of Truth

Gain complete control over upcoming payouts, and partner balances in real-time. 

How does automated revenue share & commissions drive ROI for your business?

Reduced Administrative Costs

Automated revenue share and commission systems minimise manual processes, significantly cutting down administrative expenses.

Faster payouts lead to happier, more engaged partners

Prompt and accurate payouts can enhance your partners satisfaction and engagement, driving better performance and overall loyalty.


Through our automated processes, your business can effortlessly scale its commission payouts, accommodating growth without the added complexity.

Greater Financial Control

By providing real-time insights and precise control over your financials, you can ensure accurate and timely revenue distribution.